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dkgh si fi's spock


bred by Greenehaven Nubians; owned by Rainbow Valley Dairy Goats


DKGH Rockin Eve    DKGH Rockin Eve  
above: sister to Alaric's sire: SGCH DKGH ROCKIN' EVE, EX 92 EEEE, 305-2671, 2nd 4 yr old, 1st udder, '19 ADGA Nat'ls
pictures courtesy Greenehaven Nubians, Breeder/Owner


DKGH Rockin Ellie    DKGH Rockin Ellie
bove: sister to Alaric's sire: SGCH DKGH ROCKIN' ELLIE, EX 90 VVEE, 14th 3yr old, '19 ADGA Nat'ls
pictures courtesy Greenehaven Nubians, Breeder/Owner


DKGH Rock It Envy    DKGH Rock It Envy  
above: sister to Alaric's sire: CH DKGH ROCK IT ENVY, EX 91 EEEE, peaks over 17 lbs milk/day
pictures courtesy Greenehaven Nubians, Breeder/Owner


DKGH Evanescense    DKGH Evanesence  
above: sister to Alaric's sire: CH DKGH ROCK IT EVANESCENCE, VG88 VVEV
pictures courtesy Greenehaven Nubians, Breeder/Owner


above: 3/4 sister to Alaric: DKGH BEAU EVERBODY'S FOOL, G84 GVVG
pictures courtesy Greenehaven Nubians, Breeder/Owner


above: Alaric's dam SGCH DKGH ROYAL MARC LET HER REIGN, EX 91 VEEE, 4th, 3rd Udder 5-6 yr old, '19 ADGA Nat'ls
pictures courtesy Greenehaven Farm, Breeder/Owner



                                                     SSSS: ++B M's-Sagebrush-Acres Dakota
SGCH ++*B J&R Spirit's Dakota Playboy, EX 90 EEV, Sire of many CH's and Nat'l Show winners
                                                   SSSD: SGCH J&R Spirit's DK Kovergirl, EX 92 EEEE, '09 ADGA Res. Nat'l CH, Best Udder
             SS: SGCH DKGH Playboy's Rock It, EX 91 EEE *ELITE*
                                                     SSDS: SG Willow Run AT Enferno, VG 88 +VE
                           SSD: SGCH DKGH Enferno's Rose 91 VEEE
                                                   SSDD: Reuel Rhesa's JJ Rheba
    S: CH DKGH Rock It Scientist VG 87 VVV
                                                     SDSS: Saada Khair-Ed-Din, EX 91 VEEE
                           SDS: *B Saada El-Cid, VG 86 VVV
                                                   SDSD: SGCH Saada El-Levitica WX 92 EEEE, 1st Pl, 2nd udder, 2009 ADGA Nat'l Show
             SD: CH DKGH CId's Emmy Eva EX 92 EEEE
                                                     SDDS: SG Willow Run AT Enferno, VG 88 +VE
                           SDD: DG DKGH Enferno's Emmy EX 90 VEEV
                                                   SDDD: Reuel Elena's J.J. Ella EX 91 VEEE

DKGH SI Fi'S SPOCK (aka "ALARIC"), d.o.b. 3-1-18

                                                     DSSS: Price-O-the-Field Mela-Power
                           DSS: CH Price-O-The-Field Monarch, EX 09 EEE
                                                   DSSD: SGCH Price-O-the-Field Miss Marlene
             DS: SGCH Price-O-The-Field Marcus EZ 93 EEE
                                                     DSDS: Price O The Field Luke
                           DSD: SGCH Price-O-The-Field Lady Regina, EX 92 EEEE, 5X 1st Place at ADGA Nat'ls
                                                   DSDD: Price O The Field A Mercy Lady

    D: SGCH DKGH Royal Marc Let Her Reign, EX 91 VEEE, 4th pl, 3rd udder 5-6 yr old, 2019 ADGA Nat'l Show
                                                     DDSS: Saada Khair-Ed-Din, EX 91 VEEE
                           DDS: *B Saada El-Cid, VG 86 VVV
                                                   DDSD: SGCH Saada El-Levitica WX 92 EEEE, 1st Pl, 2nd udder, 2009 ADGA Nat'l Show
             DD: CH DKGH Cid's Raindrop EX 90 VEEE
                                                     DDDS: SG Willow Run AT Enferno, VG 88 +VE
                           DDD: SGCH DKGH Enferno's Rose EX 91 VEEE
                                                   DDDD: Reuel Rhesa's JJ Rheba

We are so blessed to add Alaric to our herd and very grateful to Dan Greene of Greenehaven Nubians for breeding such a fine buck! We have long admired Alaric's dam SGCH Royal Marc Let Her Reign, EX 91 VEEE, and Alaric's sire's sisters SGCH DKGH Rockin Eve, EX 92 EEEE, SGCH DKGH Rock It Ellie, EX 90 VVEE, CH DKGH Rock It Envy, (peaking over 17lbs/day), and CH DKGH Rock It Evanesence. The combination of the Rock It and Reign genetics, with a bit of Woest-Hoeve thrown in, seems to be working really well in other herds, so we are excited to use Alaric (Rock It and Reign) on our does, several of which have Woest-Hoeve sires. We will also be crossing back and forth with our new Jr. herdsire, *B Woest-Hoeve Elder Canaan. Alaric's first kids who will be on the ground Nov. 2023! Taking reservations now.




Woest-Hoeve Elder Canaan


woest-hoeve elder canaan    woest-hoeve elder canaan
, 3 1/2 months old
Bred by Woest-Hoeve Nubians; owned by Rainbow Valley Dairy Goats


woest-hoeve heavenly daze    woest-hoeve heavenly daze  
above: Canaan's dam, WOEST-HOEVE GC HEAVENLY DAZE 4*m, EX 91 VEEE
pictures courtesy Woest-Hoeve Nubians, Sonia Thyssen, Breeder/Owner


grace o'malley   grace o'malley         
above: Daze's dam, SGCH WOEST-HOEVE GRACE O'MALLEY, 3*m, EX 92 EEEE
pictures courtesy Woest-Hoeve Nubians, Sonia Thyssen, Breeder/Owner


iron owl bluebeard     iron owl pika 
above left: Grace O'Malley's sire, ++*B SGCH Iron Owl Bluebeard, EX 92 EEE, 2014 & 2015 ADGA NATIONAL PREMIER SIRE
above right: Grace O'Malley's dam, SGCH Iron-Owl PFY Pika, 2*m, EX 92 EEEE, 2013, 2014, 2015 ADGA NATIONAL CHAMPION
pictures courtesy Woest-Hoeve Nubians


SGCH Alize charleston Chew   SGCH Woest Hoeve FB Jellie
above leftabove left: Daze's sire, SGCH ++*B ALIZE CHARLESTON CHEW, EX 90 EEV
above right: Canaan's paternal granddam, SGCH WOEST-HOEVE FB JELLIE, 2019, '20, '21 ADGA National Champion; also half sister to Caanen's dam WOEST-HOEVE GC HEAVENLY DAZE 4*m, EX 91 VEEE
pictures courtesy Woest-Hoeve Nubians, Sonia Thyssen, Breeder/Owner


hotsy totsy forever   howard huge   
above left:
Canaan's paternal grandsire's dam, JACOB'S PRIDE HOTSY TOTSY 4EVER, EX 90 VEVE
above right: Canaan's paternal grandsire's sire, GCH JACOB'S PRIDE H TOOTN HOWARD HUGE EX 90 VEE
pictures courtesy Jacob's Pride Nubians, Breeder/Owner


iron owl flip flop   jacobs pride red hot candy   
above left:
Canaan's paternal great granddam, SGCH IRON-OWL FLIP FLOP, 4*m, EX 90 VEEE
above right: Canaan's maternal great-granddam SGCH JACOBS PRIDE RED HOT CANDY, 10*M 2 E+EE
left picture courtesy Woest-'Hoeve Nubians; right picture courtesy Jacob's Pride Nubians



                                                     SSSS: *B Jaco's Pride ZA Tootie Pop Kid FS 87 VV+
                           SSS: GCH Jacobs PrideHTootn Howard Huge EX 90 VEE
                                                   SSSD: Jacobs Pride Cameron Doeiaz
             SS: +B GCH Jacobs Pride HH 4Ever In Love VG 87 VEE (2017 Spotlight Sale buck, sold for $3K)
                     (sister: GCH Jacobs Pride 4ever My Love EX 90 VEVE; dam of 2022 Res Jr Nat'l Ch, J&M Hideaway 4 Ever My Fancy)
                                                     SSDS: AZ Apache Valley Ben Hot For U
                           SSD: Jacob's Pride Hotsy Totsy 4Ever EX 90 VEVE
                                                   SSDD: Jacobs Pride Misty's Sensation EX 91 EEEE
    S: Woest-Hoeve JL Elderberry
                                                     SDSS: SG +*B Lakeshore Ps Tropical Storm, 91 EEE
                           SDS: ++*B SGCH Alize Charleston Chew, 90 EEV, ELITE, Sired 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 ADGA National Champions
                                                   SDSD: SGCH Jacobs Pride Red Hot Candy, 10*M 2 E+EE 305-2327
             SD: SGCH Woest-Hoeve FB Jellie, 5*m, EX 93 EEEE; '18, '19, & '21 ADGA NAT'L CHAMPION; 2019 Res BU; 2021 Best Udder
                                                     SDDS: ++*B SGCH Lakeshore Full Force, EX 91 EEE
                           SDD: SGCH Iron-Owl Flip Flop, 4*m, EX 90 VEEE
                                                   SDDD: SGCH Iron-Owl Ibis, 3*m, VG 89 EEEV

  *B WOEST-HOEVE ELDER CANAAN d.o.b. 5-5-23, G6S normal

                                                     DSSS: *B Lakeshore DL Perfect Storm, 90 VEE
                           DSS:++ *B SG Lakeshore PS Tropical Storm, 91 EEE
                                                   DSSD: Lakeshore SH Hot Tropic, 86 VVVV
             DS: ++*B SGCH Alize Charleston Chew, 90 EEV, ELITE, Sired 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 ADGA National Champions
                                                     DSDS: Floral Orchard Red Hot Poker
                           DSD: SGCH Jacobs Pride Red Hot Candy, 10*M 2 E+EE 305-2327
                                                   DSDD: Jacobs Pride Pistachio Candy, 4*M 305-3410 Top Ten Production Breed Leader
    D: Woest-Hoeve GC Heavenly Daze 4*m, EX 91 VEEE, 305 2740, ADGA Nat'l 2nd pl 4 yr, 1st udder ('21),4th pl 5th & 6th yr ('22)
                                                     DDSS: ++*B SGCH Lakeshore Full Force, EX 91 EEE
                           DDS: ++*B SGCH Iron Owl Bluebeard, EX 92 EEE, 2014 & 2015 ADGA NATIONAL PREMIER SIRE

                                                   DDSD: SGCH Iron-Owl TPMP Bleu, 89 VEV
             DD: SGCH Woest-Hoeve Grace O'Malley, 3*m, EX 92 EEEE
                                                     DDDS: ++*B SGCH Lakeshore Full Force, EX 91 EEE
                           DDD: SGCH Iron-Owl PFY Pika, 2*m, EX 92 EEEE, 2013, 2014, 2015 ADGA NATIONAL CHAMPION
                                                   DDDD: SGCH Iron-Owl TPPGM Pollywog *m, EX 91 EEEE

We would like to thank our friend Sonia Thyssen for the privilige of adding this well-bred buck to our herd! We wanted a son of our all-time favorite, 3X ADGA National Champion SGCH Woest-Hoeve FB Jellie, EX 93 EEEE, but since this buck's dam, HEAVENLY DAZE, is a half sister to Jellie, and his sire, ELDERBERRY, is a son of Jellie, he is actually genetically as much "Jellie" as if he were her son. So we are feeling very blessed and thankful for our new Junior Herdsire, *B WOEST-HOEVE ELDER CANAAN. Biblically, Canaan was a land "flowing with milk and honey", and we hope Canaan will sire does "flowing with milk" and with the "honey" symbolizing the overall sweetness of their conformation and temperament! Canaan was a late spring kid (born early May) but growing beautifullyl! He is long-bodied and smoothly blended, with nice rear width and stunning breed character. He will be breeding our upcoming junior does: Romance, Roses in Winter, Rhapsody, and Rosanna, May 2024 for fall kiddings; kids will be available.






my enchanted acres candyman   platinum
Picture (left) courtesy Wingwood Farm, owner. Platinum owned by Rainbow Valley Dairy Goats

pictures courtesy Wingwood Farm, Breeder/Owner

above: Platinum's materal granddam, SGCH WINGWOOD FARM LUCKY ALTIMA, 2*M, EX 93 EEEE
pictures courtesy Wingwood Farm, Breeder/Owner

above: Platinum's maternal great granddam, SGCH WINGWOOD FARM LOVIN ALYSSA 3*M, EX 91 VEEE
pictures courtesy Wingwood Farm, Breeder/Owner

above: Platinum's maternal great granddam, SGCH WINGWOOD FARM TIM'S ALTHEA, EX 91 EEEE
pictures courtesy Wingwood Farm, Breeder/Owne

AMBER   AVINA         
above: Gorgous Candyman daughters (Platinum 1/2 sisters) SG WINGWOOD FARM SWEET AMBER, Elite doe, VG 89 EEEE,
and SGCH WINGWOOD FARM SWEET AVINA, Elite doe, EX 92 EEEE, 1st place, 3rd udder, 2019 ADGA National Show
pictures courtesy Wingwood Farm, Breeder/Owner

CANDYMAN SR GET            
above: More stunning CANDYMAN daughters, 2019 ADGA National Show, including 1st place Get of Sire.
pictures courtesy Wingwood Farm, Breeder/Owner

above: Candyman daughters, 2019 First Place Jr Get-of-Sire, 2019 ADGA National Show. Left to right: Avalight, Rock Candy, Pop Rocks.
pictures courtesy Tamris Farm, Breeder/Ownet (

above: Candyman daughters, left to right: Pop Rocks, Rock Candy, Avalite; all first fresheners.
pictures courtesy Tamris Farm, Breeder/Ownet (



                                                     SSSS: ++B M's-Sagebrush-Acres Dakota
                           SSS: SGCH ++*B J&R Spirit's Dakota Playboy, EX 90 EEV, Sire of many CH's and Nat'l Show winners
                                                   SSSD: SGCH J&R Spirit's DK Kovergirl, EX 92 EEEE, '09 ADGA Res. Nat'l CH, Best Udder
             SS: SG My-Enchanted-Acres Leading Man, ELITE BUCK, EX 91 EEE
                                                     SSDS: SGCH *B Thunder-Ridge Patriot, EX 92 EEE
                           SSD: SGCH Thunder-Ridge PS Willow 4*M, EX 92, EEEE, 6 lactation avg: 2373#
                                                   SSDD: SGCH Thunder-Ridge Miss*Skeeter, FS88 V+EV, 5 lactation avg: 1849#
    S: ++*B SGCH My-Enchanted-Acres LM Candyman, ELITE BUCK, EX 91 VEE
                                                     SDSS: SG Kastdemur's Monte Carlo EX 90 EEV
                           SDS: SGCH Engylskye Countof Monte Cristo EX 90 EEV
                                                   SDSD: SG Wingwood Farm Tempo Aurora EX 90 EEV
             SD: SG My-Enchanted-Acres Rnboskitles FS 88 VEVV
                                                     SDDS: SGCH Copper-Hill Breakaway's Sonset EX 91 EEE
                           SDD: GCH My-Enchanted-Acres Molly Brown 7*M, EX 90 VEEE, 4 lactations avg: 1918#
                                                   SDD:SGCH My-Enchanted-Acres #1 Arianna EX 90 VEEE, 4 lactations ave: 1796#

WINGWOOD FARM CM A+ PLATINUM, d.o.b. 3-26-22, G6S normal

                                                     DSSS: SG+*B My-Enchanted-Acres LM Candyman, ELITE BUCK, EX 91 VEEE
                           DSS: GCH Wingwood Farm Atlante, EX 91 EEE
                                                   DSSD: SG Wingwood Farm TL Aviva, EX 90 VEEE, 3X TOP TEN, 5 lactations avg: 3667#
             DS: Wingwood Farm Flyin Attitude, EX 91 VEE (brother to Anika, EX 91 EEEE)
                                                     DSDS: SGCH Wingwood Farm Lucky Amadeus, FS 89 VVE
                           DSD: SGCH Wingwood Farm Lovin Alyssa 3*M, EX 91 VEEE, 4 lacatation avg: 2214#
                                                   DSDD: SGCH Wingwood Farm Tao Arista, EX 91 EEEE, 5 lactation avg: 2697#

    D: GCH Wingwood Farm Cool Anastasia, EX 91 EEEE, 305/2430, 2nd pl 2024 Nat'l Show; 2x GCH, 1X BDIS
                                                     DDSS: SGCH ++*B Iron-Owl Bluebeard, 92 EEE, 3X ADGA National Premier Sire
                           DDS: SG Woest-Hoeve Royal Fortune, VG88, VEE
                                                   DDSD: SGCH Iron-Owl Pika EX 92 EEEE, 2014 & 2015 ADGA Nat'l CH, 6 lact. avg. 2413#
             DD: SGCH Wingwood Farm Lucky Altima 2*M, EX 93 EEEE, 6 lactation avg. 2750#
                                                     DDDS: SGCH Wingwood Farm TS Timothy FS 88 VEE
                           DDD: SGCH Wingwood Farm Tim's Althea EX 91 EEEE, lactation avg. 2443#
                                                   DDDD: Wingwood Darm KR Acapella, 305/2635#

We would like to thank Fauna Smith (Wingwood Nubians) for the privilige of adding this well-bred buck to our herd! We are thrilled to have a Candyman son, and feel his genetics bring in some of the best of the Wingwood lines! He is smoothly blended, sharp in the withers, with lovely dairy and breed character. HIs daughter Radiance (dam: Patience) is looking very nice.




DKGH Rio's Encore


owned by Rainbow Valley Dairy Goats

above: Encore's dam SGCH DKGH ROCK IT ERIN, EX 90 VVEE,
pictures courtesy Greenehaven Nubians, Breeder/Owner

DKGH Rockin Eve    DKGH Rockin Eve  
above: genetic sister to Encore's dam: SGCH DKGH ROCKIN' EVE, EX 92 EEEE, 305-2671, 2nd 4 yr old, 1st udder, '19 ADGA Nat'ls
pictures courtesy Greenehaven Nubians, Breeder/Owner

royal marc let her reign    dkgh ROYAL MARC LET HER REIGN
above: Encore's sire's dam SGCH DKGH ROYAL MARC LET HER REIGN, EX 91 VEEE, 4th, 3rd Udder 5-6 yr old, '19 ADGA Nat'ls
pictures courtesy Greenehaven Farm, Breeder/Owner

DKGH Take Me to the River       DKGH Take me to the River  
above: Encore's sire's sister DKGH TAKE ME TO THE RIVER, VG 89 VEEE
pictures courtesy Greenehaven Nubians, Breeder/Owner

above: Encore's sire's paternal granddam SGCH Hoanbu Status Misty Moonlight 2*M EX 92EEEE, 2013 ADGA Nat'l Res CH
pictures courtesy Hoanbu Nubians, Breeder/Owner



                                                     SSSS: GCH ++*B Lakeshore Bold Endeavor 89 VEE
                           SSS: CH Lakeshore No Need to Rush EX 91 EEE, sired 2014 Nat'l Res CH & 1st pl Jr Get of Sire
                                                   SSSD: Lakeshore Ace Risque 6*M, 2nd 2 yr old, 2008 ADGA Nat'ls
             SS: Hoanbu Take Me to the Moon VG 88 VVE
                                                     SSDS: SGCH ++*B Lakeshore-Farms Star Status EX 91 EEE. 3X ADGA Nat'l Premier Sire
                           SSD: SGCH Hoanbu Status Misty Moonlight 2*M EX 92EEEE, 2013 ADGA Nat'l Res CH, 6 lact. avg 2462
                                                   SSDD: SGCH Hoanbu Stripes Caravelle Misty *M, EX 90 EEVE
    S: DKGH Take Me to Rio, EX 90 EVE
                                                     SDSS: CH Price-O-The-Field Monarch, EX 09 EEE
                           SDS: SGCH Price-O-The-Field Marcus EZ 93 EEE
                                                   SDSD: SGCH Price-O-The-Field Lady Regina, EX 92 EEEE, 5X 1st Place at ADGA Nat'ls
             SD: SGCH DKGH Royal Marc Let Her Reign, EX 91 VEEE, 4th pl, 3rd udder 5-6 yr old, 2019 ADGA Nat'l Show
                                                     SDDS: *B Saada El-Cid, VG 86 VVV
                           SDD: CH DKGH Cid's Raindrop EX 90 VEEE
                                                   SDDD: SGCH DKGH Enferno's Rose EX 91 VEEE

DKGH RIO'S ENCORE, d.o.b. 5-1-18, G6S normal

                                                     DSSS: ++B M's-Sagebrush-Acres Dakota
                           DSS: SGCH ++*B J&R Spirit's Dakota Playboy, EX 90 EEV, Sire of many CH's and Nat'l Show winners
                                                   DSSD: SGCH J&R Spirit's DK Kovergirl, EX 92 EEEE, '09 ADGA Res. Nat'l CH, Best Udder
             DS: SGCH DKGH Playboy's Rock It, EX 91 EEE *ELITE*
                                                     DSDS: SG Wilow Run AT Enferno VG 88 +VE
                           DSD: SGCH DKGH Enferno's Rose 91 VEEE
                                                   DSDD: SG Reuel Rhesa's JJ Reba, EX 91 EEE

    D: SGCH DKGH Rock It Erin, EX 90 VVEE, avg milk 2293, 4 lactations
                                                     DDSS: Saada Khair-Ed-Din, EX 91 VEEE
                           DDS: *B Saada El-Cid, VG 86 VVV
                                                   DDSD: SGCH Saada El-Levitica WX 92 EEEE, 1st Pl, 2nd udder, 2009 ADGA Nat'l Show
             DD: SG DKGH Cid's Emmy Ester, EX 92 EEEE
                                                     DDDS: SG Willow Run AT Enferno, VG 88 +VE
                           DDD: SG DKGH Enferno's Emmy, EX 90 VEEV
                                                   DDDD: Reuel Elena's J.J. Ella, EX 91 VEEE

Encore is a handsome, upstanding buck with beautiful breed character. He comes from Dan Greene's very consistent champion lines. The rear udders on his dam, Erin, his sire's dam, Reign, his dam's sister, Eve, and other related does, are some of the widest we've seen! As an added bonus, Encore also carries some nice color! *B Saada El-Cid, who appears 2x in his pedigree, is wildly spotted, so we'll see what he'll do bred to some of our flashier does. We like the Saada in his pedigree as well, as one of our does, Karnation, has Saada bloodlines known for strong, well-attached udders. Encore's kids are showing great bone, beautiful breed character, and flashy color! We have three Encore daughters in our herd: PATIENCE, PEPPERMINT, and ROSES IN WINTER. Also see POETRY & NYMBALI (Archive page).




Goddard Farm Chief War Paint


Goddard Farm Chief War Paint   Goddard Farm Chief War Paint    Goddard Farm Chief War Paint
GODDARD FARM CHIEF WAR PAINT, owned by Rainbow Valley Dairy Goats

Goddard Farm Saint Stephen   Nickels ES Annie   
above: Chief's sire, GODDARD FARM SAINT STEPHEN, and his granddam NICKEL'S ES ANNIE, #1 TOP TEN, 2013
pictures courtesy Goddard Farm

 Goddard Farm Misty    Goddard Farm Misty     Goddard Farm isabella   
above: Chief's great-granddam GODDARD FARM MISTY, 3X TOP TEN, and his maternal granddam, GODDARD FARM ISABELLA, TOP TEN
pictures courtesy Goddard Farm

Goddard Farm Raspberry   Goddard Farm Bambi
above: Chief's 2x great granddam, GODDAD FARM RASPBERRY and her dam GODDARD FARM BAMBI, both TOP TEN does
pictures courtesy Goddard Farm

Foremost Flash's Sparky   Foremost amber phoebe    
above : Chief's 2x great grandsire, FOREMOST FLASH'S SPARKY; Sparky's dam, FOREMOST AMBER'S PHOEBE;
and GCH++*B Split-Creek Spinning Top.
pictures courtesy Goddard Farm



                                                     SSSS: +*B Nickel's Osage Orange (son of SGCH Dale-Haven M.T. Laurel 4*M, EX 91 EEEE, 2X TOP                                                                                                TEN & granddaughter of Elite Sire SGCH ++*B Kismet Marvin's Smooth Operator)
                           SSS: +*B Goddard Farm Chocolate Uncle (half brother to Goddard Farm Misty, 3x TOP TEN milk production
                                                   SSSD: Goddard Farm Cantaloupe 3*M (daughter of SGCH ++*B Split Creek Spinning Top VVV 89)
             SS: +*B Prairie Acres Denali (2 Top Ten daus, ADGA production leader list, Vol. 66)
                                                     SSDS: Easy-Sream ME CA Dreamin
                           SSD: NICKEL'S ES ANNIE, ELITE DOE, #1 TOP TEN 2013; 5 lactation avg: 3244#
                                                   SSDD: GCH Easy Stream Bridget *M
    S: Goddard Farm Saint Stephan
                                                     SDSS: Foremost Sebastian's Flash
                                                                 (great grandson of Elite Sire SGCH ++*B Kismet Marvin's Smooth Operator)
                           SDS: Foremost Flash's Sparky (2 Top Ten daus, ADGA production leader list, Vol. #65)
                                                   SDSD: Foremost Amber's Phoebe
                                                                  (great granddau. of Elite Sire SGCH ++*B Kismet Marvin's Smooth Operator)
             SD: Goddard Farm Valentine, 4 lactation avg: 2707#
                                                     SDDS: Hittle Acres Kansas Traveler
                           SDD: GODDARD FARM RASPBERRY, 3X TOP TEN: 2009, 2010, 2012; 6 lactation avg: 3145#
                                                   SDDD: GODDARD FARM BAMBI, TOP TEN 2009, 4 lac. avg: 3163#
                                                                  Bambi is a granddaughter of Elite Sire SGCH ++*B Halcienda Frosty Marvin
                                                                   half sister Blushing Penny also TOP TEN 

GODDARD FARM CHIEF WAR PAINT, d.o.b. 3-6-21, G6S normal

                                                     DSSS: Foremost Sebastian's Flash
                                                                (great grandson of Elite Sire SGCH ++*B Kismet Marvin's Smooth Operator
                           DSS: Foremost Flash's Sparky (2 Top Ten daus, ADGA production leader list, Vol. #65)
                                                   DSSD: Foremost Amber's Phoebe                                                                
                                                                 (great granddaughter of SGCH ++*B Kismet Marvin's Smooth Operator)
             DS: Goddard Farm Masada
                                                     DSDS: +*B Nickel's Osage Orange (son of SGCH Dale-Haven M.T. Laurel 4*M, EX 91 EEEE, 2X TOP                                                                   TEN & granddaughter of Elite Sire SGCH ++*B Kismet Marvin's Smooth Operator)
                           DSD: GODDARD FARM MISTY 4*M, 3X TOP TEN: 2012, 2013, 2014. 5 lactation avg 3244; #1 with 305-3910
                                                   DSDD: GODDARD FARM RASPBERRY, 3X TOP TEN: 2009, 2010, 2012; 6 lactation avg: 3145#

    D: Goddard Farm Daddy's Girl
                                                     DDSS: Foremost Sebastian's Flash
                                                                (great grandson of Elite Sire SGCH ++*B Kismet Marvin's Smooth Operator
                           DDS: Foremost Flash's Sparky (2 Top Ten daus, ADGA production leader list, Vol. #65)
                                                   DDSD: Foremost Amber's Phoebe
                                                                 (great granddaughter of SGCH ++*B Kismet Marvin's Smooth Operator)
             DD: GODDARD FARM ISABELLA, TOP TEN 2018, 305/3440#; 6 lactation avg: 2551#
                                                     DDDS: Hittle Acres Kansas Traveler
                           DDD: GODDARD FARM RASPBERRY, 3X TOP TEN: 2009, 2010, 2012; 6 lactation avg: 3145#
                                                   DDDD: GODDARD FARM BAMBI, TOP TEN 2009, 4 lactation avg: 3163#                                                                                                                                       Bambi is a granddaughter of Elite Sire SGCH ++*B Halcienda Frosty Marvin
                                                                     1/2 sister Blushing Penny also TOP TEN

CHIEF WAR PAINT, from the Goddard's goat dairy in Kansas, is upstanding, with great rear width, strong pasterns and beautiful leg angulation. His pedigree is loaded with TOP TEN PRODUCTION PERFORMANCE RECORDS; he is heavily linebred for MILK. His lines go back to some of the most influential sires in the Nubian breed, like ELITE sire SGCH ++*B Kismet Marvin's Smooth Operator, 3X Nat'l Premier Sire, with over 54 GCH/CH offspring (as of 2017, more than any other buck of all goat breeds); ELITE sire SGCH ++*B Halcienda Frosty Marvin EX 90 EEE, and SGCH ++*B Split Creek Spinning Top. And of course he carries spots! He is the sire of our RAINBOW VALLEY ROMANCE and RAINBOW VALLEY ROSANNA, and grandsire of SULTANA.




woest-hoeve blessings still come


Woest-Hoeve BlessingsStillCome  Woest-Hoeve images reflection
above left: *B WOEST-HOEVE BLESSINGSSTILLCOME, 6 mo. old; right: Blessing's sire *B WOEST-HOEVE IMAGE'S REFLECTION
PHOTO CREDIT: Blessings - Rainbow Valley Dairy Goats; Reflection - Starfire Dairy Goats

SGCH Woest-Hoeve MC Margot
:PHOTO CREDIT: Woest-Hoeve Dairy Goats a

SGCH Alize charleston Chew   SGCH Woest Hoeve FB Jellie
above left: BlessingsStillCome is linebred on SGCH ++*B ALIZE CHARLESTON CHEW 90EEV
above right: SGCH WOEST-HOEVE FB JELLIE, 2019, '20, '21 ADGA National Champion, is also a Charleston daughter
PHOTO CREDITS: Sonia Thyssen, Woest-Hoeve Dairy Goats

SGCH woest hoeve Margaret  SGCH woest hoeve Mira Image
above left: Blessing's maternal granddam SGCH WOEST-HOEVE MARGARET,
2017 ADGA National Champion & 2018 ADGA Reserve National CH & Best Udder (another Charleston daughter)
above right: Blessing's paternal granddam SGCH WOEST-HOEVE MIRA IMAGE 90 EVEE

PHOTO CREDITS: Sonia Thyssen, Woest-Hoeve Dairy Goats

summer intrigue  SGCH Woest Hoeve Suidoni
above left: Blessing's dam's sire's dam SGCH LAKESHORE SUMMER INTRIGUE 91 EVEE
above right: SGCH WOEST-HOEVE SUIDONI, 2018 ADGA National Res. Best Udder (another Charleston daughter)

PHOTO CREDITS: Lakeshore Dairy Goats & Woest-Hoeve Dairy Goats



                                                     SSSS: *B Lakeshore DL Perfect Storm, 90 VEE
                           SSS: Lakeshore PS Tropical Storm, 91 EEE
                                                   SSSD: Lakeshore SH Hot Tropic, 86 VVVV
             SS: ++*B SGCH Alize Charleston Chew, 90 EEV Sired 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 ADGA National Champions
                                                     SSDS: Floral Orchard Red Hot Poker
                           SSD: SGCH Jacobs Pride Red Hot Candy, 10*M 2 E+EE 305-2327
                                                   SSDD: Jacobs Pride Pistachio Candy, 4*M 305-3410 Top Ten Production Breed Leader
    S: *B Woest-Hoeve Image's Reflection, 3/4 brother to 2017 ADGA National Champion
                                                     SDSS: ++*B SGCH Lakeshore Full Force, EX 91 EEE
                           SDS: ++*B SGCH Iron-Owl Bluebeard, 92 EEE, 3X ADGA National Premier Sire
                                                   SDSD: SGCH Iron-Owl TPMP Bleu, 89 VEVV
             SD: SGCH Woest-Hoeve Mira Image, 7*M, 90 EVEE
                                                     SDDS: ++*B SGCH J&R Spirit's Dakota Playboy, 90 EEV
                           SDD: Lakeshore Miramira on the Wall, 6*M 87 +VEV
                                                   SDDD: SG Lakeshore SH Mira Vista, 5*M, 87 +VEE

  *B Woest-Hoeve BlessingsStillCome d.o.b. 3-23-19, G6S normal, now owned by Teresa Hunter, Oak Park Nubians

                                                     DSSS: ++*B Wingwood Farm Real Tacitian, 90 VEE, 2012 ADGA National Premier Sire
                           DSS: ++*B SGCH Wingwood Farm Finding Atlantis 91 VEE
                                                   DSSD: SGCH Wingwoon Farm Tim Aminance 92 EEE
             DS: +*B Lakeshore ATL Intuition, Sired 2nd pl. Jr. Get of Sire, 2015 ADGA National Show
                                                     DSDS: +*B Kastdemur's Full Disclosure, 91 EEE
                           DSD: SGCH Lakeshore FD Summer Intrigue, 91 EEEE
                                                   DSDD: SGCH Lakeshore-Farms Summer Storm 92 EEEE
    D: SGCH Woest-Hoeve MC Margot, 4*M, 90 VEEE, 3-0 197 1600, 10th pl 5 & 6 yr olds, 2019 ADGA Nat'l Show
                                                     DDSS: Lakeshore Ps Tropical Storm, 91 EEE
                           DDS: ++*B SGCH Alize Charleston Chew, 90 EEV Sired 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021 ADGA National Champions
                                                   DDSD: SGCH Jacob's-Pride Red Hot Candy, 10*M, 92 E+EE
             DD: SGCH Woest-Hoeve Margaret, 3*M, 92 EEEE, 2017 ADGA National Champion, 2018 ADGA Res. Nat'l Champion
                                                     DDDS: ++*B SGCH Iron-Owl Bluebeard, 92 EEE, 3X ADGA National Premier Sire
                           DDD: SGCH Iron-Owl Flying Dragon, 92 EEEE, 2014 ADGA Res. National Champion
                                                   DDDD: Iron-Owl Twinkie 89 EEEV

    to see Blessings' 5-generation ILLUSTRATED Pedigreee, click at the end of this line CLICK HERE

We have long admired the Woest-Hoeve herd for the beautiful champions they have produced over the year. Blessings is linebred  on SGCH+*B Alize Charleston Chew, LA 90, 2019 ADGA National Premier Sire and sire of  SGCH Woest- Hoeve FB Jellie, the 2018 & 2019 National Champion, SGCH Woest-Hoeve Margaret 92 EEEE, the 2018 ADGA Nat'l Champion  & 2017 Res Nat'l CH;, and many other champion does as well. God is good and we praise Him for His blessings that all come in good  time...hence the name ot this buck..."Blessings Still Come". Blessings is the sire of our beautiful RAINBOW VALLEY MARLIE in our herd and RAINBOW VALLEY MALLORY and RAINBOW VALLEY MCKENZIE (Archive page). These does have beautiful level toplines, lots of width, nice breed character and anglation, and very well-attached udders.





blissberry amen brutha

  blissberry rh vallelujah   blissberry rh vallelujah
Above: Brutha's dam SGCH Blissberry RH Vallelujah 7*M EX 93 EEEE, pictures courtesy Blissbery Nubians    

blissberry mw valentina    blissberry mw valentina
Above: Brutha's maternal granddam SGCH Blissberry MW Valentina EX 90 EEEE, pictures courtesy Blissbery Nubians

wingwood farm lucky tolkien    wingwood farm tac toledo
Above: Brutha's sire +*B SG Wingwood Farm Lucky Tolkien, picture courtesy Blissberry Nubians;
SGCH Wingwood Farm Tac Toledo 4*M, EX 92 EEEE
, picture courtesy Redwood Hills

    SS: ++*B SG Woest-Hoeve Royal Fortune
S: +*B SG Wingwood Farm Lucky Tolkien
    SD: SGCH Wingwood Farm Tac Toledo 4*M, EX 92 EEEE, 2nd pl 2 yr old, 2012 ADGA Nat'l Show

BLISSBERRY AMEN BRUTHA d.o.b. 3-17-17, G6S normal
Owned by Claire Pella, Clarion Nubians, used by A.I.

   DS: *B Blissberry Rock Hard EX 92
D: SGCH Blissberry RH Vallelujah 7*M EX 93 EEEE 3322 milk
DS: SGCH Blissberry MW Valentina EX 90 305 3660

Brutha is the sire of our beautiful RAINBOW VALLEY LAVENDER (archive page) and grandsire of PEPPERMINT in our herd.



nomad xtra sparkly hugo shiraz

nomad xtra sparkly hugo shiraz   nomad xtra sparkly hugo shiraz
Above: Nomad Xtra Sparkly Hugo Shiraz, photos courtesy of Yvonne Roberts, RR Resources

saada x quisite grace      saada x quisite grace
Above: Shiraz' paternal granddamGCH Saada X-Quisite Grace 8*M, LA 90 EEEE, photos courtesy of Saada Nubians

spunomi udder       nomad sweet spunomi
Above: Shiraz' dam Nomad Sweet Spomoni and granddam, Nomad Sweet Eclair, photos courtesy of Nomad Nubians

Above: Shiraz' colorful quads out of our Rainbow Valley Guiliana

    SS: *B Saada B.B.'s King Koal
S: *B Saada X-Quisite Moscato
    SD: GCH Saada X-Quisite Grace 8*M LA 90 EEEE, 3rd at ADGA Nat'l Show, 4th gen GCH          

NOMAD XTRA SPARKLY HUGO SHIRAZ d.o.b. 2-17-16, G6S normal
Owned by Yvonne Roberts, RR Resources

   DS: *B Woest Hoeve Uncle Sam
D: Nomad Sweet Spumoni
DS: Nomad Sweet Eclair

We are excited to bring some Saada bloodlines into our herd. Shiraz is wide and very flashy. Thank you Yvonne for the privilege of using this fine buck! Shiraz is the sire of KARNATION in our herd, and Nougat and Kreme Soda on the Archive page. He is the grandsire of PATIENCE and ROSANNA in our herd.







Top: Sweet-Spring Calvin Klein, linebred on CH ++*B Kastdemur's LH Full Service ('99,'05,'06 ADGA Nat'l Premier Nubian Sire; 2nd pl Sr. Get of Sire, '06 Nat'ls, pictured)
Bottom left: Calvin's dam, Sweet-Spring Shes JustMy Style CL 87 VVEV
Bottom right: Calvin's paternal granddam SGCH Kastdemur's Temerity, 2X Nat'l CH

   SS: SG ++*B Kastdemur's LH Full Service EX 91, '99,'05,'06 ADGA Nat'l Premier Nubian Sire
S: GCH +*B Kastdemur's Time in a Bottle (AIO) EX 90 EEE Elite
    SD: SGCH Kastdemur's Temerity 5*M, EX 93 EEEE, (pictured) '08 ADGA Nat'l CH, Best Udder; '09 ADGA Nat'l CH, 310 2860

GCH +*B SWEET-SPRING CALVIN KLEIN, EX 91 EVE (born 4/28/13, G6S normal)
Used through A.I.

    DS: ++*B Kastdemur's Full Disclosure
D: Sweet-Spring Shes JustMy Style, 1st pl, 1st udder 2 yr old, 2012 CA State Fair; CL 87 VVEV
    DD: SGCH Sweet-Spring PBC Berimargarita *M EX 92

Calvin Klein is linebred on the great SG ++*B Kastdemur's Full Service, 4X ADGA Nat'l Premier Sire, who has, so far, 19 permanent CH offspring. He is the gtandsire of our beautiful RAINBOW VALLEY MALLORY.


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